Guest Post: Heather Eats Almond Butter

Today I have an outstanding guest post from Heather of Heather Eats Almond Butter (aka HEAB)! I like Heather and her blog for lots of reasons…but one of the main ones is she is a great example of how to listen to your own body, fuel it well and exercise it in the way that’s best for you.

Heather is a masseuse by trade and after my massage last week I thought I’d ask the former runner and now hardcore yogi some questions. She has a ton of great recommendations and information so I wished to share everything with you! prenez plaisir à ?
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Hello fans of Run eat Repeat. first off, lots of thanks to Monica for asking me to write a guest post for her blog. Monica, I’m genuinely honored.

A bit background on me…

Back in the fall of 2002, When I was training for my first full marathon, I got a bit over-ambitious and boosted my mileage too quickly. I ended up with a anxiety fracture in my pubic bone…and a pulled groin muscle. Aie! Let’s just say that getting dressed was a real challenge for about 3 weeks. After taking several months off from running to allow my anxiety fracture to heal, I was still having groin issues. 2 different orthopedic physicians and a bit physical therapy later, I chose to give massage therapy a try. Well, it worked wonders for me, and I was able to complete my first full marathon in November 2003 when I ran new York City.

I quit my job in non-profit the following month and went into massage therapy school in January 2004. I worked part-time jobs, and with the help of my parents, I was able to complete the 500 hour program in about 8 months, and I’ve worked as an LMT (licensed massage therapist) ever since.

Monica desired me to address a few typically asked concerns when it concerns massage and running. many of my clients are runners, and so I’m delighted to show all of you what I’ve discovered over the years.

Q; How often must a runner receive a massage for it to benefit his or her training?

A: Honestly, I think it depends upon your weekly mileage. If you’re a casual runner doing 20 miles or less a week, I think a monthly massage would be great. If you’re running a lot more or training for a mid to long distance race, then I recommend a massage twice a month. If you’re running 50+ miles a week, you are forcing your body to do a lot of work, and a weekly massage will really help your taxed muscles. Now, I know massages are not cheap, but shop around. Don’t run to your nearest health spa where the bodywork is often overpriced. find out if there is a local massage therapy school in your area. trainees are often needed to complete an internship before they can be licensed, and the institutions will offer massage to the public at a discounted rate. It may not be the best massage, but at least your muscles will get a bit love. ?

Q: Should runners only get sports massages?

A: No, there are all kinds of massage therapy modalities that will benefit both runners and non-runners. I tend to work a bit deeper, and not all of my clients necessarily want me to. So, I’ll do a lot more of a Swedish massage which is very gentle and a lot more relaxing. many kinds of massage will benefit you in someway, and often times, it boils down to personal preferences. However, if you are running high mileage and training for a longer race, then yes, I think you must seek out a massage therapist specializing in sports massage, deep tissue, and or neuromuscular therapy. They’ll know exactly what to finish with tired, overworked muscles, and a good therapist can help with muscular injuries, and if they can’t, then they must refer you to someone who can.  I can’t anxiety how crucial it is to find a good therapist. Again, don’t run to the nearest spa. Those therapists are often overworked and underpaid. speak with your running friends…ask around and find someone who comprehends runners. A lot of therapists don’t.

Q: Is there anything in particular you must tell your massage therapist before your session?

A: If you are a new client, your massage therapist must have you fill out an intake form asking basic concerns about areas of pain, medications, activities, etc. If they don’t have you fill anything out, then go somewhere else.   before working with a new client, I always ask them if they have any pain, how much they’re running, injuries, etc. I also tell them about my massage technique. considering that I tend to work deeper, I always encourage them to speak up if the pressure is too much as well as focus on their breath. Deep slow rhythmic breathing from the client really helps when I’m trying to smooth out any knots.  Let your therapist know if you are unpleasant with them working certain body parts. a few of my clients would rather me not touch their face, toes, etc.

Q: Sous-vêtements off ou sur?

R: Ne vous sentez jamais étrange de retirer votre sous-jardin car nous sommes formés pour travailler sur les vêtements sans gluts. Je dois presque me tenir dans le rire quand un client me dit qu’il a des problèmes de nerf sciatique, ou une douleur rayonnant dans son dos entier, seulement pour soulever la feuille et découvrir qu’il porte un short boxeur au genou. Je leur dis, eh bien votre muscle piriforme, un muscle fessier profond, pince probablement le nerf… laissez-moi entrer et voir ce que je peux trouver, mais je ne peux vraiment pas y entrer si je dois fouiller à travers une couche de vêtements. Si vous n’êtes pas complètement à l’aise de retirer tous vos vêtements, ce n’est pas un problème. Normalement, je travaille juste sur les sous-vêtements. Cependant, si vous avez de la douleur dans vos fesses, perdez les sous-vêtements. Je m’engage à nous attendre à ce que vous le fassiez.

Q: Et si la massothérapie ne se forme pas du tout dans mon budget?

R: Eh bien, il existe plusieurs techniques de massage à domicile que je recommande. Tous les coureurs doivent posséder le bâton. C’est un excellent outil d’auto-massage, tout comme un rouleau en mousse. Je recommande en fait les rouleaux en mousse noirs pour les coureurs. Ils sont beaucoup plus fermes que le blanc imaginé ici:

De plus, je vais vous laisser entrer un peu secret… nous massons des massothérapeutes comme un bon métier. J’échange du massage contre mes cheveux, et je l’ai utilisé «pour payer» pour beaucoup de mes dépenses de mariage. Je connais certains thérapeutes qui échangent pour leur travail dentaire, leurs services de comptabilité, etc. Donc, si vous connaissez un bon thérapeute et que vous pouvez leur offrir quelque chose en retour, demandez-leur s’ils seraient prêts à troquer.

J’espère que toutes ces informations vous aideront. N’hésitez pas à me envoyer un e-mail avec des préoccupations chez Heather (at) Merci encore à Monica et bonne chance à tous les coureurs. Je sais à quel point vos muscles fonctionnent dur, à tel point que j’ai retiré mes chaussures de course pour le tapis de yoga. ?

Envoyez-moi le classeur


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